Here's the lost wool that was left at our house in June...I'm hoping someone will recognize it and come claim it.
I'm working on organizing the artstudio again so that I can get my projects and creative life in a bit of order. I despretely want to warp my big loom this month and start weaving for the fall. Felting is coming along well and I've been enjoying the use of Linda's drumcarder to create finer, better batts to felt with.
I really adore this work! It's so the opposite of my own, so unfettered and creative and modern. I Must make a hat like those somed

ay. I tried recently but instead ended up with a hat that looks like a whaletail going down into the water. Pics will follow soon.
and the found item is...this Viking Funerary Plaque in Runic by John Charbonnet which is made of plaster with the design craved out then the surface painted. Friends down in SC are moving and sent it up with my dh today along with my Mirrix Tapestry Loom.