Here's this weeks experiments with scrap felt. Don't ever use permanent marker! I also learned that the shoe pattern should be cut just a little tight because the felt is going to give just a bit.
I'm having a lot of fun adventures with researching felt techniques and then trying them out right now. Going back to my fascination with having warm feet I'm working on patterning and stitching skills to recreate a type of shoes dated from between 4th -1000ad found in Chinese Turkistan. I'm excited because some of the earliest felt found shares the same technique with these shoes which in turn are similiar to traditionally produced felt quilted pieces made by the Torgut people of Mongolia to this day. I have seen pictures of Mongolian felts in gers that basically look like Italian trapunto (sp?) where you have a running stitch making the outline of the pattern thru out the piece. I wish now I had saved a pictured of it cause I haven't been able to find it again. Actually, just now I thought to pick up my copy of "Feltmaking and Wool Magic" and there in the back on page 120 is a picture in the middle of the page that says "Quilting (Mongolia-Torgut Tribe...". All the embroidery discussion has excited me and I decided to make something using it. A similiar technique is being used by Hungarian felt artists for hats and other felts sold to the reenactment community but I've been unable to track down any direct documentation so it's hard to know if this style is based the school of thought that the Magyars shared a culture with the Urghurs or if somewhere there is an extant object to base them on. I'm just dying to know!

1 comment:
Nice blog post. I love felting techniques even more so now that I have a Hungarian daughter-in-law. There's a great cultural museum in Budapest that's full of classic costumes where color and patterns identitfied families. I too have dreams of felting coats by hand but think I'd need a small army of 16 year olds with strong shoulders to do it all!
I don't know where you are located but Shepherds Harvest Festival in MN has a Kazakh Yurt coming and the owner - who I guess has studied Mongolian felting techniques will be giving demos.
Thanks for your thorough presentation.
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