Thursday, June 14, 2007

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

still, still scouring...

If I've measured correctly the sample from VJ is 8.5 to 9 inches and I *think* the bags of wool are going to be comparable. I'm trying to find info on spinning from the fold vs spinning from the lock right now to determine how best to spin up this grey sample from vj which came to 9.3 ozs after scouring and drying. The pretty heathered effect of the wool cries out to be dyed but I'm not sure in what way so I'm letting the idea kick around in my head. I think your book is spot on and while this wool will felt I don't think it's going to be a great or easy felter! I scoured about 15.40 ozs of a choc. merino but I think I have about that much more of it to scour before I'm done. I put some cormo thru the at the same time but the results were less pleasing and it's still a bit greasy so I'm going to run it again after pt tomorrow.

--Wed. to do...
drain and rinse kiddie pool wool
drain and scour washbasin wool
rescour cormo
start sorting thru the Hallie woolbreak bag of fleece to scour for felting on Sat.

still scouring...

Well, the grey cotswold sample from VJ has weighed in after scouring at 9.3 oz and is quite lovely. The chocolate merino seems to have washed clean and is drying out on the rack but the cormo that I washed at the same time is still tacky with lanolin so I guess I'll have to try the whole process again. I've got an entire washbucket of white cotswold in its second outdoor soak--this time in dawn water and the other half of that first bag soaking in the kiddie pool out back. I did however find an old doorscreen that I can set up on bricks to use for drying fleece tomorrow:>.

Sunday, June 10, 2007


There's cormo scouring in the washer. There's cotswold in the bucket. There are two bags of Cotswold from the Sheile Museum to scour thanks to Pam!!! THank you Pam. I found some of the merino is already scoured and there is merino drying on the porch to rescour with a different method. Felting rugs on Saturday so I need to get some prep done.

Monday, June 04, 2007

Best Central Asian info website on a group ever!

I am absolutely blown away by the level of detail in this website, esp. concerning the yurts and women's clothing! I feel a refinement of several existing projects coming on. Perhaps one of the most exciting pics was of a weaving loom on one of the yurt pages that is exactly the type I've been looking for info on and includes it's name in the language of the area!!! I'm soooo jazzed.

On the art front today was another foray into inlaid felt. I'll post a pic tomorrow.

Plans for a new 12ft yurt are afoot! However, if I only had some extra cash laying about...

Sunday, June 03, 2007

Going slowly

Well, I'm a little slow on all my projects right now. I'm at a point where I need to sit down and catalog then prioritize my projects to get back on track. Everytime I start something it leads to something even cooler is the problem!